Strength-Based, Holistic, Neurodiversity Affirming Speech Therapy
Speech-Language Pathologists experienced in evaluating and treating:
Orofacial Myofunctional Related Speech and Swallowing Disorders
Phonological Processing Disorders
​Extensive experience and specialized training when working with individuals that are:
on the Autism Spectrum
diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD)
presenting with Pathological Demand Avoidance Anxiety (PDA)
using Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorders.
We believe in a holistic approach which involves staying in close contact with the client's entire team and helping to educate and empower caregivers to promote consistency and carry over for optimal outcomes. We can provide parent consultations as well as advocacy during IEP meetings or other team collaboration meetings. We are currently only accepting private pay and superbill options at this time, but are working to become in-network for many insurance companies. Contact us for pricing as well as to join the waitlist to receive services as soon as we have in-network approval.
Apraxia of Speech is a motor planning disorder specifically related to the production of speech sounds. Only a Speech-Language Pathologist can diagnose and treat Apraxia of Speech. Not all Speech-Language Pathologists are qualified in evaluating and assessing apraxia of speech. Our Speech-Language Pathologists utilize a dynamic speech and language evaluation to diagnose apraxia of speech. They utilize Dynamic Temporal Tactile Cueing (DTTC) (the Gold Standard in Apraxia Treatment) as well as Rapid Syllable Transition (ReST) approach to improve clients' speech production skills. Learn more about whether your loved one may have apraxia of speech using the link below.
Dysarthria is muscle weakness and coordination difficulty specifically affecting speech production. Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders are characterized by abnormal positioning of the tongue, lips, or jaw during speech or swallowing. Our Speech-Language Pathologists perform a comprehensive exam to determine the cause of a speech or swallowing disorder to allow for more focalized treatment in speech or swallowing difficulties.
Receptive language disorders or delays are likely present when the person demonstrates difficulty understanding information spoken to them. Expressive language disorders or delays are likely present when a person demonstrates difficulty communicating wants and needs or re-telling events at an age expected level. We have expertise in determining the type of language learner a person is and creating a treatment plan to aid them in accomplishing the language goals that feel most important to them.
Articulation disorders are likely present when a person has difficulty producing certain speech sounds which can affect their ability to be understood by others as well as their overall confidence. Our SLPs have experience in determining whether speech sound errors are deemed age appropriate and use evidence based approaches to improve speech
A phonological processing disorder may be present when an individual demonstrates a pattern of speech errors. A common phonological process error may be when a child produces /t/ for /k/ saying "tar" for "car". Our SLPs use standardized assessments paired with expertise to determine the presence of a phonological processing disorder and develop goals to best aid in intelligible speech production.
A Neurodiversity Affirming Definition
Autism is a developmental disability that affects how a person experiences the world around them. Autistic people are an important part of the world. Autism is a normal part of life and makes a person who they are. Some autistic people speak using their mouth others using alternative forms of communication (AAC). Some autistic people have intellectual disabilities, others do not. The autistic advocacy network is a great resource to learn more about autism. Autistic voices in a grand majority have stood strongly against Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and compliance based strategies. We stand firmly with those autistic voices and choose to take a relationship based model to therapy to allow for strong connection and trust to be the foundation for growth and continued development for our autistic clients. Secondary conditions that may be seen in autistic people include Sensory Processing Disorder, Delayed Language in Gestalt Language Processors, and Pathological Demand Avoidance/Anxiety.
Gestalt Language Processors: Delayed echolalia or scripting
Gestalt Language Processing has been documented in Communication Science journals for years by researchers including Dr. Ann Peters and Dr. Barry Prizant. A Gestalt Language Processor is a language learner that typically picks up long strings of intonationally rich language first and matches them to a memorable experience. They then move through a natural process of breaking these chunks of language down to single words before creating novel language and grammar. We often see these gestalt language processors using "scripts" from favorite songs or TV shows to communicate. Sometimes they copy sentences from their environment. Gestalt Language Processing is not a disorder, but a description of how a child learns language. Gestalt Language Processors become delayed when they struggle to reach the stage of flexible, novel language and remain in the earlier stages of using borrowed gestalts (delayed echolalia/ scripts) to communicate. More often than not, delayed gestalt language processors are treated using traditional therapy approaches including table top activities labeling flash cards or "tacting" and "Manding" for items. Many parents complain that they can name a long list of items, but often aren't using language spontaneously. That is likely due to the child being treated as the wrong type of language processor. Imagine having a stuffy nose due to allergies, but the doctor does not prescribe antihistamines, and instead antibiotics. Our therapists use the Natural Language Acquisition Framework outlined by Marge Blanc to aid gestalt language processors in their language development journey. Learn more about NLA and our experience with GLPs using NLA using the links below.
Pathological Demand Avoidance/Anxiety
** Please note that we are a speech therapy center and at this time can only treat language disorders adjusting our approach to cater to the needs of children presenting with pathological demand avoidance** PDA is a term often used to describe the behavioral profile of some autistic individuals. Individuals presenting with a PDA profile often demonstrate creative ways to avoid demands put on them by others. This is due to a strong need to be in control due to anxiety or an automatic "threat response". Individuals that demonstrate PDA behaviors often become further traumatized when receiving services from compliance-based therapy approaches like ABA. In order for a child or individual to best learn, they must feel safe and trust that they have a level of control within their environment. With a PDA profile this becomes a need. Our relationship-based therapy model allows for an individual presenting with a PDA profile to feel safe and secure within sessions so that growth and development can be the main focus.
Sensory Processing Disorders
SPD is a neurological condition that affects the brain's ability to process sensory information and respond to that information in a "typical" manner. It makes it difficult for individuals to distinguish between unimportant sensory information (like the sound of a running refrigerator) and important information (like the sound of a conversation partner next to the refrigerator). People with SPD can be under reactive to sensory stimuli (e.g. high pain tolerance) or hyper reactive to sensory stimuli (e.g. extreme sensitivity to day to day noises, extreme reactions to wet clothes, etc.). When a person is not in an environment that is friendly to their sensory needs, their body struggles to regulate. When a person is not regulated it can greatly affect their ability to access language and can limit the cognitive resources needed to learn new information. Regulation is a key part of a child's success and something we look to accommodate from the beginning of our time with our clients.